
History / Rules / Writing Guide / Writing Requirements / Persona Sheet
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Anne's Rules

These are the rules we were given by the Dragonlady herself. We may not like them but we are obligated to abide by them.

    1. Gold dragons will only look to women, bronze and brown dragons will only look to men.

    2. Goldriders- heterosexual females
    Bronzeriders- heterosexual males
    Brownriders- heterosexual males, some bisexual males
    Blueriders- homosexual and bisexual males and females, distinct preferences allowed for
    Greenriders- homosexual males and females, bisexual and heterosexual females open to female partners

    Mating flight substitutions are allowed, but the BoD frowns on this. Everyone needs some love.

    3. Gold, bronze, brown, blue, and green are the only allowable dragon colors. You may have a dragon in any shade of these colors but there will be no more sport dragons. Ruth was unique.

    4. Ruatha Hold, Benden Weyr, and the Harpercraft Hall exist but these locations are off-limits as settings. While your character can have a background in one of these locations, you cannot write a story set in any of these loactions.

    Cascade note: In our timeline, people have been living on the Southern Continent for the past two hundred-fifty Turns. We have our own division of the harpercraft with songs and traditions that mean something to us. Not to mention the fact that Cascade ceased Searching the north for Candidates fifty Turns ago. If your character is from one of these locations, we want to know why they never go home. Also, we are hoping some Northern riders will come south to help us train in preparation for Thread but we won't hold our breath. They don't like us very much. If you want a Northern rider we'd be tickled to have them. Just remember the current situation...

    5. You can't use any of Anne's characters. You can't be Lessa's ancestor or Sorka's descendent. You cannot have a character by the same name as any of Anne's. That also goes for dragons.

    6. Pern has no religion. Don't thank God, thank Faranth.

    7. Pern has no magic, elves, fairies, etc. Dragons are incredible enough.

    8. No one on Pern is psychic. Beyond a dragonrider's ability to hear their life mate (or in instances when a dragon who deems you worthy enough to speak to), that's all the extrasensory powers anyone will have.

    Cascade note: Hearing All Dragons is a rare abiltiy. Only members of six months or more will be allowed to apply for a HAD persona. If you would like your persona to Hear All Dragons you need to write a solid background for the trait as well as an essay on why you and your persona deserve this quality and how you intend to handle it. If your persona Hears All Dragons, your persona will not Impress a gold dragon. Queen riders who Hear All Dragons are Anne's territory. Anyone who writes a character who Hears All Dragons will be ineligible to ever Impress a gold dragonet. Currently there is one persona who Hears All Dragons. The BoD will consider new applications in January 2001.

    9. No world crossing. No Cattenti, no Mrdini, no humans from the same timeline are going to encounter Pern.

    10. You CANNOT post any of the fanfic stories you write on the internet. This is in direct violation of copyright laws. Fanfic writings will go in the 'zine only.

Cascade's Rules

    1. It has come to our attention that people have encountered "color wars" in other weyrs. We will NOT tolerate "color wars"- that is, bronze dragons do not set themselves above others simply because they are bronze dragons. This holds true for ALL dragons. Status is something humans apply to themselves. Additionally, dragons do not fight. Not even in the heat of a mating flight. Instances of dragons fighting will be grounds for immediate dismissal from Cascade Sea Weyr.

    2. Stories containing gratuitous sex and violence, Terran obscenitites, and material inappropriate for persons under the age of 13 will not be accepted. For a list of Pernese oaths and "obscenities" see The Dragonlovers Guide to Pern by Jody Lynn Nye. If you don't have the Guide, some other members do. Consult with them.

    3. Major Plots, such as burning down the kitchens, killing off a Wingleader (your own persona or someone elses), or poisioning the Weyrwoman must be discussed with the BOD and those who control the characters it involves. We love Plotting around here! But the BoD must approve major plots so not to upset the balance of the weyr.

    4. To avoid the utter confusion it causes... Timing is known but widely discouraged. Weyrlings are told of the phenomenon in early training for between, the material presented in the lesson on how important a good visualization is. The Weyrlingmasters approach timing as the dangerous thing it is.

    5. To standardize dragon mindspeech and human mindspeech, please use the following symbols to indicate each. Fire lizards typically communicate in pictures and images, not language or concrete ideas.

    [[Human to dragon]] or >>Human to dragon<<

    {{Dragon to human}} or **Dragon to human**

    ~~Firelizard images~~

    6. As firelizard clutches only started to reappear five Turns ago, firelizards aren't common pets. Your personas shouldn't have too many of them. Currently Cascade has several gold fire lizards and there is a waiting list. If you would like a persona with a gold fire lizard, submit your name for the waiting list. Bronze fire lizards are widely available. Greens do lay eggs, but their clutches, if you can find where they've left them, rarely hatch.

    7. Since real life has a nasty way of sneaking up on us, it's perfectly acceptable for your characters to take a hiatus. These absences of a few weeks, or months if necessary, are best explained as training injuries (since Thread, if it does fall, is a Turn away) or, in the case of non-rider personae, as visits home. If your leave of absence extends beyond the period you tell us, unless you contact us again, your characters will become NPCs. If a gold rider must take a permanent leave of absence the character will either go up for adoption or someone of our choosing will be allowed to create a nothern transfer queen.

    8. Sometimes things get by us. We're only human and less than perfect. We reserve the right to ask you to make changes to your persona at any time, even after approval. We will do our best not to use (or abuse) this privilege, but we're keeping it, just in case.

    9. We are also reserving the right to make any other rules we deem necessary. We don't want to make more rules. So please just follow the ones we've already made.

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