Cascade Falls Hold : Recent History

The night of the flood..........

Lord Meer and Lady Tyina were fast asleep in their cabin on the 'Pride of the Ocean' when the Earthshake came, rocking the little boat uncontrollably. No-one knows, or will ever know, what happened between that instant and the one which brought the tidal wave down the river. Though the wave was not as strong as it had been further upstream, it was still big enough to smash the small pleasure craft against the rocky shore near to Cascade Falls Hold, reducing it to a small pile of wreckage that floated to it's resting place on a nearby beach.

The next morning..........

Tieyara, the eldest child of the Lord and Lady holder, had gone to asleep exhausted and eagily awaiting her parents return. She slept through the earthshake, and due to her heavily pregnant state was not woken up. The damage to the Hold was minor, and the stewards felt they could cope, until news of the 'Pride if Ocean' came.

None of the workers at Cascade Falls had been very happy under the Lord and Lady due to poor pay, and the lack of trust the Lord had shown of his employees. Upon hearing news of his, and his wife's, death most began to pack there backs. A void contract was no good to anyone, and most were fed up with the hold anyway.

One of the hold Aunties work Lady Holder Tieyara and told the bad news about her parents, that she'd sent a runner for her husband, and that Tieyara should tell her siblings and then annouce a day of mourning. The Auntie couldn't bring herself to tell Tieyara that her hold was now severly under staffed, and that the messages from her husband had stopped coming through.

The next day........

After a day spent crying and wishing that her parents hadn't taken their boat out, Tieyara decided as the new Lady Holder she should see how the Hold had fared. Dressed all in black she knocked on the head stewerd Niter's door, only to find one of the Uncles sitting behind his desk, suprised she ran down the hall to the kitchen, and found three Aunties working in place of the usual staff. She ran crying through the Hold to the Auntie and Uncles accomodation, and found only one Auntie there. Tieyara sat down on the floor, suprise for a while concealeing her grief, and stared at the Auntie.

Tieyara had been complately oblivious to the attitude's of the staff towards her parents, and once the Auntie had finished explaining what had happened, she gathered everyone left in the hold in the main courtyard and vowed to each and every one of them that she would not repeat her parents mistakes. She then set about righting what little damage the flood had done, and gave all the loyal staff generious bonus'.

In the days following......

With all the Aunties and Uncles, plus her eldest siblings, all helping out, Tieyara managed until the first trickle of new workers began to appear. She updated all the hold records and changed the hold management structure so it was more effectient. Tieyara even updated the Hold's knots and emblems! She also made sure that all her workers felt they could talk to a steward if they had a problem, and that if the steward couldn't do anything he would bring to her, the Lady Holder, and she would sort it out.

But the Lord Holder has still not sent word.......

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